

Chapter 5


Henceforth, we do things my way!


The warehouse echoed with Jasmine’s sobs. Kay paced, while Dave sat at the table, head in his hands. Lily was absent on one of her mysterious ‘missions’, while Shedrack was moving from one to the other, trying to console them.
“It’ll be alright, you’ll see. We don’t even know if Crimson Widow truly has them.” He said gently.
Jasmine sniffed. “Who sent the text then? The Coles would never send themselves tied up and gagged as a cruel joke, now would they?”
Kay went to put his arms around her shoulders. “We’ll get S.J and all of them back, I promise.”
“Kay, This is all my fault! it’s me she wants! I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to any of them. Maybe I should just turn myself in…”
Lilian chose that moment to walk in. As soon as she got close, Jasmine left Kay’s embrace and in three quick strides, slammed against the wall. She pressed her arm into Lily’s neck, who began to cough and sputter.
“Where have you been?” Jasmine hissed at her. “ You did this, didn’t you? What’s next on the agenda? You lead Crimson Widow right to our doorstep?”
“I- I don’t…” Lily tried to speak
“Calm down, Jas” Kay urged, trying to pry her arm from Lily’s neck.
“I don’t trust her, Kay. She must have informed her dear boss about S.J and the rest. What other explanation is there?”
“We don’t know that. Remember the pilot was taken? Maybe he told them.” Dave added.
“What if she did that too?” Jasmine applied more pressure.
“Jas, please! Let’s talk this out. You don’t want her to die by your hand, do you?”
It was true. Jasmine was not about to let her mistrust of Lily turn her into a murderer. With a frustrated growl, she released Lily, who crumpled to the floor Shedrack rushed to her side to help her up. Jasmine stalked off to the far side of the room.
“Thank you Shedrack, I’m fine,” Lily assured the reporter, in between coughs. She spared Jasmine a wary glance, before facing Dave and Kay. “Do you guys mind explaining what that was about?”
“You answer first. Where have you been?” Kay asked, narrowing his eyes at her.
“I told you. I had to get some information from a few of my contacts!”
“Members of The Cabal?” Dave pressed.
“No! These are people I’ve built a relationship with after I left The Cabal. They don’t even know about my connection to Crimson Widow.”
Kay stared at her for what seemed like a long time, trying to determine if he should believe her or not. He obviously decided on the former because, after a few minutes, he heaved a deep sigh and ran his hands over his head. “Crimson Widow has our son and our friends.”
“What?!” Lily took the phone Kay showed her. “This picture was sent about an hour ago. We don’t know how long she’s had them or where they are now.”
Lily shook her head. “I’m truly sorry. But you have to know that I had NOTHING to do with this. I would never harm you or your family and friends. I want the same thing as you and the rest of the nation— an end to The Cabal’s tyranny. Please believe me.” Lily looked between both men.
“Kay she has no reason to lie. If she had wanted she’d have stayed dead but she’s here risking her life alongside us.” Dave said.
“I agree.” Kay nodded. “I believe you, Lilian.”
Lily breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. That means a lot.”
“I apologise on my wife’s behalf though. Just give her some time.”
Lilian looked over at Jasmine at the far end of the room. “
“You don’t need to apologise. I would’ve reacted the same way.” She turned back to the men. “Even though I don’t want to say I told you so…”
“You already have.” Shedrack pointed out with a shrug.
“But I did warn you not to allow Crimson Widow time to plan.”
“Everything’s falling apart. The police are compromised and we’ve had no reply from President Douglas. And now this…”


“So how do you propose we deal with this?” Jasmine asked Lily at the meeting.
“I think we should not go the police route. The Cabal’s claws are sunk to deep in the criminal and justice system. What I strongly suggest is to twist Amanda’s arm so much so that she surrenders and turns herself in.”
“How do we do that?”
“There’s only one person in this world that Amanda loves more than life itself. She would do anything for that person…”
“Debbie,” Jasmine said.
Lily nodded. “Exactly. Crimson Widow loves her daughter very much. Very few members of The Cabal know of her existence not to talk of where she is at any given time. I was one of the privileged few who had knowledge of Debbie’s whereabouts. If we can grab the girl and keep her in a secure location, I believe Crimson Widow will capitulate…”
“Wait are you saying we should kidnap a young girl and request Amanda’s surrender as ransom?” Dave asked disbelief written on his face.
“I wouldn’t call it kidnap per se. She knows Jasmine well. And she is familiar with me too. We’ll just hold her until her mum…”
“You’re asking me to abdu,ct my goddaughter? A child I miss terribly and haven’t seen in years. Never! I will never be a party to this, you hear me?”
“But it’s just…”
“I said no!”
“Lily, I agree with Jasmine,” Kay spoke up. “There has to be some other way to achieve what we want..”
“I know it’s hard, but I’m telling you this is the best way.” Lily stood her ground.
“Listen we’ll take the information and show it to the deputy IGP. Mr Hamoudu. I know him well, He’s incorruptible.” Jasmine said, pointedly ignoring Lily. “He’ll make sure The Cabal is brought to book.”
Dave and the rest agreed and started planning their next move. Lily only shook her head. When they were about to initiate contact. She said to them.
”This is a mistake. At least wait a little before giving him the evidence.”
They listened to Lily this time and decided to play it safe before handing the information over. At the meeting, Jasmine had planted a small bug on the AIGP, after promising to bring him evidence the next time the next day. It came as a shock to everyone especially Jasmine, when they had intercepted and listened to a call between Mr Hamoudou and Crimson Widow, promising to deliver them to her alongside the evidence.


“So what do we do now?” Shedrack asked.
Everyone had calmed down and they were all sitting dejectedly around the only table in the warehouse.
“We have to do something,” Jasmine said, looking to her husband. “Please.”
“I have a plan. But you all have to agree that henceforth we do things my way.”
Everyone nodded, including Jasmine. It seemed they had all come to the conclusion that Lily knew The Cabals and the way they operated more than all of them combined.
“So here’s what we are going to do…”
© Hafsah bint Nurein

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