Farah’s car


Farah has just left the offices of a private detective she hired to help find Isma’il. She was beyond shocked to find out that he was still in the city. The detective also had more grave news. Farah shivered as she recalled his words. ‘Madam, I  know you won’t want to hear this, but you hired me to do a job, hence I must deliver. Your husband has another family. A wife and son, about eight years old. I’m so sorry.’
At the time, it had taken Farah every ounce of her will to remain calm and not break down in front of the detective.
Now armed with Isma’il’s current location, and on her way there, all she felt was nervous anticipation and unbridled rage. She would save the tears for later.  In an hour she reached the spot. It was a pepper soup/beer parlour not far from a hotel on the island. The exterior of the building was rowdy and smoke billowed out from the interior, carrying with it a stench of tobacco and other unsavoury smells. Farah scanned the crowd outside and soon enough she found her husband. He was hard to miss, given the scantily-clad woman on his knee and his too-loud voice.


“Another round for everyone!”



(To herself)

‘Look at this foolish man, squandering my hard-earned money!’ (Seething, she rolled up her sleeves and marched determinedly towards him. From behind, she grabbed his shirt in a death grip, uncaring whether she strangled him or not.) “Isma’il, return the money you stole from me this instant!”


(Startled. He hastily dropped the woman on his knee and tried to turn to no avail.)

“Who is… Farah? How did you find me? I mean… what are you doing here?”


(By now the crowd had started to pay attention to the drama unfolding, many of them recording on their phones) 



“I am not leaving until you return every penny you stole Isma’il!)

Farah did not notice that the other woman had grabbed a bottle until she had almost hit her with it. Instinctively, Farah loosened her grip on Isma’il’s shirt to block the blow in time. Lights dim as Isma’il takes the opportunity to run, and Farah chases after him. Curtain.)




Huda’s residence


Huda is getting ready to leave the house. She had decided to take Farah’s advice and would pay Bilaal a surprise visit. 



(Locking up. To herself)

Farah is not taking her calls. I would have loved to go together since she mentioned being free on Sundays. I’ll send her a message after sha.)

Finishing up, Huda booked a ride and set off. After a few hours, she arrived at the destination. It was a big house. A mansion if she was being honest. After paying the driver, she made her way to the massive gate and knocked.



“Is anyone home?”


The gate swung open to reveal a uniformed security man. 



(Eyeing her from head to toe)

“Good evening. How may I help you.?”



“Good evening. I am here to see Bilaal Dauda.”



“It is almost past visiting time, however, I shall allow you in because of your condition.  Follow me.”



(Taking in her surroundings.)

‘Wow, so Bilaal lives in this palace and even has visiting times in his house? God he is in so much trouble.’

(She continued to follow the security guard, however instead of going in through the front door, the guard headed towards the back of the compound.)




“Wait, where are you taking me? Shouldn’t we be going through the front door?”



(Gives her an incredulous look.)

“Why would we do that?”




“I mean… I …isn’t this Bilaal’s house? He does live here right?”



“Yes he lives here… at the BQ. Now come on, I’ve got to return to my post.”




“I told you it wasn’t much.”(Feeling all kinds of foolish and already regretting her decision to visit)

‘Subhanallah! Was I wrong to have doubted Bilaal?’


They soon reached the BQ. A few men sat outside talking and laughing. They stop and stare at her when the guard greets them and asks after Bilaal. After confirming he was indeed inside, the guard turns to Huda.



(Pointing at a door.)

Just knock. He’ll come and meet you.”


(Immediately, Huda knocks on the door. The bags she carried weighed heavy in her arms. She shifted from one foot to the other, uncomfortable due to the stares from the men. Not long after, the door swung inwards and there stood Bilaal.)






(Manages a weak smile)

“Assalamu alaykum, Muadhin.”



“What are you doing here? I mean I left you at home and you didn’t mention you’d be coming.”



(She shrugged, guilt was written all over her face.)

“I wanted to surprise you.”



(Still shaking his head.)

“Wow, subhanallah! I don’t…”


(Feeling even more uncomfortable due to the stares and eavesdropping going on behind them.)

“Can I come in?”



“Oh yes of course. It’s a mess in there though. Was in the process of cleaning before your knock. (He steps aside to let her in)



“I don’t mind.”


(They enter the room. The floor is littered with boxes and clothes. As for mattresses, Huda counted about 5. A wardrobe rested against the wall. Two doors were carved into the wall beside it, which Huda assumed led to the toilet and kitchenette.



(Shocked to say the least. At last she spoke in a very quiet voice.)

“This is where you live?”




“I told you it wasn’t much.”


(She heaved a deep sigh, regretting ever doubting him. She felt so foolish.)

“I-I thought- I didn’t know. I only wanted to bring you some food and spend the night. I didn’t know…”



“You shouldn’t have come here, Huda. Or at least you should have informed of your plans to visit.”


(Close to tears)

“I am so sorry.”



(Sighing, trying to hide his irritation.)

“It’s alright. Wait here. Let me just change and grab some stuff. There is a hotel nearby, We can stay there till tomorrow.”



“It’s alright. I can still make it back on time if I leave now.”



“It’s late already now, obviously I can’t allow you to make the trip back home. It’s settled. We will spend the night at the hotel. Give me a few minutes to change.”


(Lights dim as Bilaal prepares to leave with Huda)




On the way to the hotel. Bilaal has relieved Huda of the bags and they are walking at a leisurely pace. It’s already dusk and darkness is creeping in inch by inch. Bilaal asks Huda a question but she is barely listening. She is deep in thought, evaluating her recent behaviour and her choices so far.



(To herself)

‘I was so sure I’d catch him red-handed. Was Farah wrong? Was I wrong to have suspected my husband due to baseless conjecture? Should I have taken Farah’s advice to come here? Should I have listened to her at all? Have I made a terrible mistake? What would Bilaal think if I told him why I really came here? Or the reason for my recent behaviour? For sure he’d be disappointed and hurt and angry and…’ A sharp tap on her shoulders interrupted her tirade.



“Sorry, I only wanted to get your attention. You seemed far away and I’ve been asking you a question…”



(Smiling apologetically)

“Oh, I am sorry. What was the question?”



“I asked whether you found what you were looking for by coming here. Because you wouldn’t have made the journey otherwise. Are you satisfied?”


(Sighing and shaking her head at the same time)

“Muadhin, I’m sorry.  I don’t know what else to say. It was wrong of me to show up unannounced and I…”


(At that moment, Huda caught movement from her periphery. A loud crash and screaming. She turned to look. Three bodies (Two women and one man) were slugging it out on the floor of what looked to be a canteen in a tangle of clothing and flying limbs. They screamed and punched and scratched at one another, the audience rabidly cheering them on. Huda and Bilaal watched transfixed. Soon, the fight devolved into two against one. The man managed to pin one of the women down while the other woman straddled her before proceeding to pepper her face with slaps.)


(Preparing to leave)

“I am going to stop this.”



(Tries to hold him back)

“No! Why would you interfere? What if you get hurt or someone calls the police?”



“Can’t you see the woman on the ground is wearing hijaab?”


(Huda looked closely then and Bilaal indeed was correct. However, she also noticed something else.)




“I- I think I know the woman being beaten.”


“You do? Are you certain?”



(Nodding noncommittally) She couldn’t take her eyes off the scene in front of her)

“I recognise her attire and hijab. Then I think that man called her name just now. What I don’t understand is how she is here.  This place it doesn’t seem like…”



“Well, I’m going to break it up before someone truly gets hurt. No one in that crowd seems likely to put a stop to it.” (He drops the bags at her feet. “Wait here, I’ll be back soon.”


Bilaal rushes off. Huda of course follows, bags forgotten. She had to know if the woman was really Farah or if her eyes and ears were playing tricks on her. Surely, a sophisticated socialite such as Farah would not be caught dead at a location such as this beer parlour.  Bilaal was already there now and had found his way to the front. Quickly he hurled the woman off her and gently pushed the man away as well.



(In a firm voice)

“That’s enough!”


Huda had reached the spot too and she could see the woman on the floor better now. It was undoubtedly Farah. Huda struggled to reconcile the image in her mind of the graceful, elegant, and posh Farah with the woman trying to push herself up from the floor.  Her face was all bloodied and swollen, her hijaab askew and her gown was dishevelled and torn in several places, Huda had no idea what to say or do. Such was the shock that gripped her. 



(In a gentle voice to Farah)

“Madam, are you alright?”


Bilaal’s voice spurred Huda into action. She pushed her way forward too and held out a hand to Farah for support.




“I am alright, thank you.” (She took Huda’s hand and without sparing her a glance, started towards the man and woman she had been fighting.) “Isma’il! You can’t escape o. I will collect every kobo before leaving this place.”



(Moving to block her way.)

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, ma’am. The police are on their way.”


At that, the man and woman shared a worried glance before hurrying away.



(Trying to push Bilaal)

“Get out of my way! You don’t understand he had to pay back what he stole!”



“It’s too late. They’re gone now.”



“You see what you’ve caused? I had it under control before you decided to interfere!”



(Finding her voice)

“I don’t think so. My husband’s interference probably saved you from a concussion or worse. You should be thanking him.”


At the sound of Huda’s voice, Farah’s whole body tensed. She looked up and met Huda’s questioning gaze. Immediately she tried to hide her face in her hijab-



“There’s no need for that. I’ve already seen you.”



(Looking from Huda to Farah)

“How do you know her?”



“She’s the woman I told you helped me the other time.”



“I see.”



(Trying to blend in with the already dispersing crowd.)

“I have to go now. I’ll see you later.”



(Stepping right in front of her)

“Not so fast. I think you owe me some answers.”



“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”



“Don’t you? First of all, I assume the man who just left is your husband, Isma’il right? Funny, he doesn’t resemble an oil magnate at all and you– I thought places like this disgusted you. Surely fighting a drunk over money at a roadside alcoholic joint is beneath you”



(Hiding her face)

“It’s not what you think…”



(Getting angry)

“Oh, you still want to lie and spin another tale?”




“What exactly is going on here?”



(Turning to her husband)

“This woman pretended to be someone she’s not. She lied to me all along…”



(Realising that she had been caught and the game was up.)

“I didn’t lie! I gave half-truths and gave you a glimpse of the woman I aspire to be. I didn’t ask you to take my advice or to believe every word I told you. Are you that gullible or just plain stupid?”



(Trying to hide how Fara’s words hurt her)

“Yes, I admit I was gullible and unassuming. I should have seen through your ridiculous lies.” (She turned to Bilaal) “I was a fool too. Taking advice from her, carrying out her suggestions…”



(Understanding her meaning)

“So she’s the reason for your changed behaviour. Don’t tell me she persuaded you to visit me impromptu?” (At Huda’s nod, he shook his head) “Why? What did you hope to achieve by doing so?”



“There’s no excuse. I was wrong and I am so sorry Bilaal.” (She moved closer to him and held his hand tightly.)I know I’ve hurt you these past few weeks. Please forgive my excesses. I- I was blind but I can see now.”



(Rolling her eyes,)

“Oh please. Get over yourselves. You think you’re perfect or better than me because I embellished a few facts about myself? Abegi!”



“At least I am not going around, lying and living a fake life! You are not even remorseful, for God’s sake.”



Na you sabi. Sha tell your sweetheart to pay me the money he allowed that wretch and his whore get away with because if he hadn’t intervened ehn…”



“You would have done nothing! And have you forgotten? (She addresses Bilaal.) “Darling, she borrowed some money from me and has refused to pay back.”



“So you are a scammer as well? Anyway, we will forgive that debt to make up for the one you lost…”



“But Muadhhin, she must pay back. It’s a lot of money!”



(In a tone that broached no argument)

“Let it go. It’s not worth it rolling on the dirt with scum. Come on, we’re done here.”



(To Farah)

“Lose my number. Delete the directions to our home from your memory. I don’t want to ever see or hear from you again. Understand?”



“And if you refuse and decide to harass my wife, you’ll be explaining to the authorities. Have a good life.”


And with that, Bilaal and Huda walked out on a stunned Farah. They were not to know that Farah felt a little bit of guilt and sadness, watching Huda leave. Farah had really liked Huda, and she would miss her. But that was not her priority now. Another ‘friend’ would come along. Right now, she needed to find that bastard Isma’il and force him to return her money…)

It was dark already. Bilaal and Huda made their way hand in hand to the spot where she had left the bags. Thankfully they were still there. After retrieving them, Bilaal led them towards the hotel. Huda could still feel the tension in his body and knew he was angry at her.



(In tears)

“Muadhin, you have every right to be angry. I disappointed you but I beg you to please forgive me. For doubting you. For keeping things from you. For everything I did. Please.”




“You are right. I was angry. I still am. Why would you allow a stranger to poison you against me and our marriage? You lied to me and deceived me. Can I trust you still?”



(Nodding vigorously)

“You can. Please I know I was foolish. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones or the loneliness I was feeling. I don’t know what else to say. All I want is for you to give me another chance. I won’t fail you biidhnillah. Please Muadhin.”



(Silent, he puzzled over the issue for a long time. He wanted to forgive his wife, she was only being herself: unassuming and willing to see only the good in people. This trait of hers was one of the things he loved most about her, and ironically it was what almost caused a rift in their marriage. Alhamdulillah that no harm had been done. He supposed Farah could take credit for this revelation because if Huda hadn’t taken the misplaced advice and come here unannounced, she probably would still be enthralled by the idea of ‘Farah the classy paragon’, Who knows what would have happened then? He sighed, deciding there and then to forgive her, put this awful experience behind them and move forward with their lives, with Allah’s help.)

“I suppose I am not entirely without blame. I should have listened to you and taken your feelings about being lonely more seriously, seeing as friends and family are not here. For that, I apologise as well. Henceforth, I promise to do better. I forgive you, Huda, I hope you accept my apology and forgive me too.”



(Still crying)

“Alhamdulillah! Bilaal Jazaakumullahu khayran. Of course, I forgive you. Thank you, so much. See I have learnt my lesson. From now on, I will be more careful of those I choose as friends.”



“Alhamdulillah. Now stop crying” (He wiped her tears and kissed her on the cheek) “Don’t worry, starting tomorrow, I’ll start looking at apartments close to here or maybe I will start searching for a job closer to home. Allah will guide us and we’ll make it work.” 



(Pleased beyond measure)

“Aamen. I would like that.”




“Don’t think you have gone scot free o. You will have to make it up to me.”




“Oh don’t worry, Mr Hassan. I plan to make it up to you for the rest of our lives.”


(Lights dim as Bilaal and Huda walk off into the night.)




Well readers, what did you think?


Let us reflect upon the journey this story took us through. 


From the cunning chameleon, we learn the perils of deceit and living a ‘fake life’, forever hiding behind a mask. It is exhausting to keep up with the numerous lies and facades, so she is stretched thin. Rarely happy. Always scheming. The chameleon teaches us the value of authenticity, and embracing the strength that comes with being yourself.


From the irresponsible drunkard, we are reminded of the dangers of excessive indulgence and blaming others for our misfortunes and wrong choices. His journey urges us to not be afraid of  taking responsibility for our actions and to seek balance in our lives. Remember the prophet (SAW) urged us to always take the middle path.


Finally, from the gullible fool, we see the vulnerability that accompanies blind trust and the importance of discernment. While endearing, these traits serve as a caution to remain vigilant, to question doubtful matters and to seek wisdom in every interaction. 


Thank you for joining us on this journey. Until we meet again, I leave you in the shade of Allah. Assalamu alaykum.


(Lights Dim. Curtain)



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