


Donald ‘The Don’ Adewole-Smith, sat in his posh office suite, discussing political strategy with his right-hand man, Mr. Kazeem Kashimawo aka Kash. Both men were in their late fifties, but their similarities ended there. Where Kash was short and plain with a round face and a fair complexion, The Don was tall and lean with ebony skin that glowed. He was an attractive man, with a mole on his chin and piercing brown eyes. The Don did not look his age one bit, and this worked to his advantage with the ladies.


“If we carry out those processes to the letter, you will see that the constituents will vote you in. No questions asked.” Kash sounded sure of himself while pulling at his mustache in his usual fashion.


“Well, if you say so…” Donald was cut short by the office door bursting open. His niece charged in, with the harried secretary in tow…

“Sir, I tried to stop her. I told her to wait a few more minutes, that you were busy…” his secretary stammered.


“It’s alright Kelly. Return to your seat.”The Don spoke as calmly as he could.


Kelly hurried out of the office. The Don looked up at Jasmine, who stood defiantly in front of him.


“What is the meaning of this?” He demanded.


“I have been waiting for the past two hours. My patience ran out.” Jasmine snapped. She did not deign to acknowledge Kash, instead took a seat on the couch opposite. The Don felt a frisson of irritation at her rudeness.


Half standing, he pointed at the door. “You know what? I have had enough of your insolence. Leave my office this instant.” Half standing, he pointed at the door.


“You don’t really mean that, dear uncle. We both know what will happen if I walk out that door.” She leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs.


A war of stares went on for a few seconds between both uncle and niece. Finally, as if a plug had been pulled, The Don deflated like a balloon and slumped back into his seat.


“What can I do for you this time?”


Jasmine smiled: “Now you are talking.” She uncrossed her legs and continued: “Well, it’s nothing serious. It’s about a small business registration issue for my friend…”


An hour later, The Don had solved her friend’s issue by making a series of phone calls. Jasmine stood up to leave.


“Don’t look so glum uncle. You have just done a good deed. Aren’t you a man of the people?” Jasmine said in a sarcastic tone after which she blew him a kiss and stepped out of the office.


The Don sighed and held his head in his hands. Kash who had been watching in silence ambled over to him in his unsteady gait, then spoke up:


“The Don, why do you allow this girl to get away with her attitude towards you?”


The Don was silent. What could he say?


“I have told you several times, let me have the boys take care of her…” Kash urged.


“And I have told you severally that that is not an option. She’s the only family I have left.”


Kash shrugged. “If you say so. Have it your way.”


Donald understood Kash’s point. He had condoned enough of Jasmine’s blackmail and must devise a way to put an end to it.

For good.

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