
Chapter 1


1.1 Remorseful Renegade

To ensure undying loyalty within their ranks, The Cabal had a tradition where they took in recruits from the streets. People desperate for a meal, a place to sleep or a change in their circumstances. Children orphaned and half-starved, craving the warmth of family.
Lilian and her sister Maureen were part of the latter. They had been simply grateful for the nice woman who had taken them in and shown them what it meant to be part of a community.
“We are your family now,” Crimson Widow cooed while rubbing the sisters’ shoulders. “Whatever you need, just ask.”
“Thank you ma,” Lilian thanked their saviour in between mouthfuls of food. Maureen only nodded, too busy stuffing her face full of food as well.
The sisters had been thirteen and twelve then, with Lilian being the older sibling. Before long, Lilian and Maureen’s lives had changed. Fat filled the space between their flesh and bones, they no longer had to worry about survival, and they got an ‘education’ alongside other young recruits.
To these kids, The Cabal was their kin. They were the ones who showed up for them when the government or no one else did. No argument you brought forth would dissuade their stand. As for Crimson Widow, they would gladly lay down their lives for her. Lilian especially looked up to her as her very own hero.
Until one day she was not.
When she was nineteen, Lily was well on her way to being one of The Cabal’s favoured lieutenants. She was smart and resourceful, suggesting innovations to the way they performed their operations. She was one of Crimson Widow’s darlings, a privilege she cherished. Maureen was more of a foot soldier, frequenting the streets to fetch recruits and engaging in rival ‘w.ars’ and assassinations.
One day, Maureen went on a mission but was brought back a corpse.
“What happened?” Lilain wailed over her sister’s dead body.
“Our intelligence was flawed. We were ambushed. The rest of us barely made it out alive.” One of Maureen’s teammates stated.
Crimson Widow personally came down to offer her condolences. With tears in her eyes, she took Lilian into her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay my dear. I know she was your blood, but you still have us. And as your family, we’ll make sure those responsible will pay. I swear.”
It is said that two people can’t be fooled with lies; if the person lied to doesn’t know he is being fooled, the person lying knows he is lying.
Lilian’s unwavering trust in her so-called family blinded her to Crimson’s Widow’s discreet nod to the leader of the ‘failed’ mission.
More years passed that saw Lilian promoted to the position of a high-ranking officer. A general of sorts. Her role was to oversee the syndicate’s operations in specific districts ensuring that illegal activities ran smoothly and that all payments and kickbacks were collected efficiently. She was known for her ruthlessness and unflinching loyalty, earning her the respect of Crimson Widow, who trusted her so much that she would often consult her before making certain decisions.
The time for the truth to catch up to Crimson Widow’s long-running deceit regarding Maureen came in the simplest of ways.
Lilian had gone to Crimson Widow’s study to give her an important report on a major arms deal they were pursuing. While she was giving the report another urgent matter arose and Crimson Widow had to leave for a while.
“Wait here, Lily. I’ll be right back,” She said as she hurried out of the room with the guard who had come to fetch her.
“Alright ma,”
Lily decided to sit behind her boss’ desk and scroll through the computer. Now, Lily harboured no malicious intent whatsoever, and she knew there would be nothing on it regarding The Cabal’s operations that she didn’t already know. She was merely fooling around to while away time. Or maybe God had decided to lift the scales from her eyes.
It was not long before Lily stumbled upon two folders named ‘Black Ops’ and ‘Crucial Matters’. They were encrypted. Curiosity piqued, Lily copied both folders into a flash drive, to decrypt them later on her computer. She left the desk just as Crimson Widow returned.
All through delivering her report, a feeling of unease plagued her. The flash drive weighed heavy in her pocket, making her dread whatever information it carried.
Lilain was glad she had followed her instincts and took all necessary precautions before decrypting the files. The information on them was damning, to say the least. What hurt her most, was the file containing the truth about Maureen’s death. She couldn’t believe Crimson Widow had killed Maureen because she deemed her a liability and a threat to Lilian’s loyalty to The Cabal.
Lilian saw Crimson Widow in a new light now, finally acknowledging her for the monster she truly was. Lilian wanted to rage at her and tell her there was no need for what she did as Maureen had been loyal to the core and would never have betrayed The Cabal. Maureen had even loved Crimson Widow too.
Though it caused her immense pain, Lilian held her tongue, deciding against confronting Crimson Widow. It would not end well for she knew how her boss treated people who betrayed her. So as the days passed, she acted like nothing was amiss while she tried to suppress the guilt and anger that festered within her.
Gradually she became determined to get justice for Maureen by exposing Crimson Widow. To do that, however, required careful planning and significant risk.
One night she took the plunge by copying every ledger in her possession containing extensive records of the syndicate’s operations, financial transactions, and key players. Alongside the Black Ops and Crucial Matters files, The Cabal could go down for good.
Next was how to disappear before her betrayal was discovered. She faked her own death in a carefully orchestrated explosion that left Crimson Widow and her underlings believing she had perished. Lily felt a little guilty because of her friends but she knew this was the only way to do what needed to be done.
Lily then went into hiding, relying on her knowledge of The Cabal’s secrets to remain unnoticed.
Four years after the events of April 2010, Lily decided the dust had settled enough and it was time to make her moves.
Her first port of call was Shedrack Akinbode, a journalist who had been investigating Crimson Widow for years. The Cabal knew about his efforts but had always thwarted them and been one step ahead of him. Lily chose him because of his tenacity. He never gave up his pursuit despite being sacked from his job per The Cabal’s orders. The only reason Crimson Widow had refused to finish him off was because of the blowback. The public was sure to connect them to the crime.
After a series of back-and-forth emails where she’d had to make numerous promises and swear multiple oaths, Shedrack agreed to meet with her. They met at a busy market, specifically chosen by Lily so they could get lost in the crowd.
“Did you follow my instructions about losing your tail?” Lily asked, casting a cautious look around. There didn’t seem to be anyone suspicious or that looked out of place. The Cabal had assigned a team to monitor his movements. Lily had chosen the first team herself. That may have changed over the years but Lily was sure Crimson Widow would never want to lose sight of Shedrack.
When Shedrack nodded, Lily relaxed a little.
“Here, put these on.” Lily tossed him a pair of sunglasses, another shirt and a facecap. She was dressed similarly as well, except she had on a wide-brimmed hat.
“Now, follow my lead.”
They began to walk, stopping at stalls and sampling the goods while holding their conversation.
As soon as Lily gave the go-ahead, Shedrack pelted her with questions.
“Everyone thinks you’re dead. Your body was burnt to a crisp. I heard Crimson Widow mourned for days. How are you here?”
Lily smiled. “That was all a necessary ruse. I’m flesh and blood as you can see.”
“But I don’t understand. Why go through all that trouble?”
“My reasons are my own.”
Shedrack nodded. “Okay. Answer me this then: You got out, they think you’re dead. You could have stayed that way and lived a normal life. Why put yourself back in harm’s way by plotting their downfall now?”
“All in good time, reporter. I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
“Why should I trust you? Yes, you said you needed my help in bringing down The Cabal. I want that too, but you were one of their most powerful officers. You’ve enacted their will for years and profited from their activities. How am I sure this isn’t also an elaborate trick concocted by the Widow herself?”
Lily sighed. She understood his hesitation, but she was getting weary of the questions. “You don’t have to trust me. Trust the evidence I have with me, and believe me it’s A LOT. If you play this right, we should both get what we want.”
“Alright, but at least tell me why.”
Lily stopped in front of yet another stall– a fruit seller. She haggled the price of oranges with the trader, all the while pondering an appropriate answer to the reporter’s question. Only after she had purchased a basket of oranges and moved along did she speak.
“The Cabal took my sister from me. Her loss has motivated me not only to expose Crimson Widow’s crimes but to dismantle the entire criminal web that has thrived for far too long. I’m no saint and I know I was once a part of this web which is why I feel remorse and aim to reveal the truth to ensure that my sister and all other innocent victims get the justice they deserve. Make no mistake, this path will be a dangerous one, but I’m ready to take the risks. Are you still as passionate about exposing The Cabal as you once were?”
Shedrack had been nodding all through her speech, so he did not hesitate to reply when she asked her question.
“Yes! Yes of course I’m ready. Where do we begin?”
“You remember the uprising in 2010?”
“The one that saw The Don and others brought to book? Of course, I remember.”
“Good. Is there a way you can connect me to its architects?”
“You mean Jasmine Adewole-Smith and Kayode Majekodunmi?
Lily nodded.
“Wow, they were so brave. What they achieved? Masterful. I wish I could have met them…”
Lily cut short his enthusiastic praise for the duo. “I’ve been searching for them for years but without my usual resources, I’ve had no luck. It seems they’ve disappeared without a trace. Do you have a way?”
Shedrack nodded, grinning from ear to ear. “I believe I might know someone who knows someone close to a friend of theirs…”
1.2 The Architects
Thousands of miles away, and oblivious to the storm that was about to land on her doorstep, Jasmine Adewole-Smith bounced her three-year-old son on her hip as she stirred a pot of stew on the stove. She and Nike were making lunch and the kids were getting in the way. Wole, Nike’s six-year-old was also pulling at his mother’s skirts crying for something or the other.
“I swear ehn, if I could throw you outside I would,” Nike pronounced, exasperated.
Jasmine laughed. She felt guilty about the unfortunate situation, as she and Kay had brought it upon Nike’s family when they showed up at their doorstep in 2010. To be safe, the Coles had pulled their son from school, isolated themselves from family and friends, and started managing their hotel business remotely. For Jasmine and Kay, they’d had to settle for a low-key wedding with no one in attendance except Nike’s family.
Now both women homeschooled their kids, Jasmine ran an online business under a pseudonym and Kay worked at a small tech start-up using a false name as well.
It wasn’t what they all wanted but they were content. Keeping low profiles meant their families were safe and that was what mattered.
“Nike, I’m so sorry about all this…” Jasmine began to apologise for the umpteenth time.
“There you go again! Don’t annoy me o, ehn ehn. You’re family. Wouldn’t you do the same if the roles were reversed?”
Jasmine didn’t hesitate. “In a heartbeat. But still…”
“Abeg, keep quiet and check food jo. Hand S.J. over. I’ll go and find something to occupy them with.”
As Jasmine continued lunch, her thoughts wandered as they so often did. She worried about the others and what they were up to. They regularly checked in once a month on a secure channel, but for Jasmine that wasn’t enough. She missed Healing Hearts terribly, even though it was doing well in safe hands. Sometimes she missed Amanda despite the shocking betrayal. Jasmine believed these feelings made her weak. Kay thought it was perfectly normal because she had nursed sincere affection towards Amanda.
“Amanda is the one with the problem, not you. You have a pure heart, she has no heart at all. Maybe one day, we’ll find out why she did what she did.” Kay would always tell her.
Jasmine was grateful for him every day. He helped her face and overcome the monsters of her past and through him, God had gifted her a tiny miracle in the form of Soji, their son.
What more could she ask for?
Freedom. She wanted to stop living in hiding. If only she hadn’t been blind to Amanda’s treachery perhaps she would be locked up alongside The Don right now. Jasmine knew that as long as Amanda walked free, her freedom and that of her loved ones would always be in jeopardy.
“We’re home!” Tayo Cole, Nike’s husband announced from the front door.
The women went to welcome their husbands and soon the table was set for lunch. They had their meal amidst banter and laughter. Afterwards, when the kids had bedded down for a nap, Kay looked to Tayo who nodded.
“I have news.”
Jasmine’s heart lurched. “Is something wrong? Is everyone okay?”
Kay reached out and squeezed her hand. “Everyone’s fine. It’s just that I got a message from Dave.” He showed her the message which read:
Hey. A friend needs to meet. Claims he has access to reliable tea that could expose C.W. We should end this once and for all, don’t you think?
Jasmine passed the phone to Nike. She looked over at Kay, a silent question burning in her eyes. Did they dare trust this? For four years, all their discreet digging had turned up nothing about Amanda and The Cabal. Now they had a lead, did they dare follow it regardless of the consequences?
©Hafsah bint Nurein
So we are introduced to a new character, Lilian! What are your first impressions of her? Do you think she has what it takes? Then we catch up with Jasmine and Kay once again ❤ Should they follow this line that had been tossed at them? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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