


3.1 Trust Issues



The group was seated around a table Shedrack had brought in. He had also provided snacks and soft drinks, which Jasmine was grateful for, although she didn’t take a bite until Lilian did. She had even gone as far as swapping her drink with Lily’s when the latter wasn’t looking.  Kay only shook his head at her antics.



After the meal, Lilian got up to address them.


“I’d like to preface this meeting by thanking you all for being here. Now as Dave might have mentioned, I used to be a member of  The Cabal but I got out four years ago and now I want to bring their reign of horror to an end.”



“How did you get out?” Kay asked the obvious question.


“I faked my death.”



“Why? What happened to change your mind? Got tired of killing and destroying lives?” Jasmine demanded sarcastically.



Lily pursed her lips and her next words shocked Jasmine to the marrow. “Crimson Widow killed my sister. I left shortly after I found out.”



“I’m sorry for your loss,” Kay said softly. Dave also nodded. She shifted in her seat, slightly uncomfortable. The same words were on the tip of Jasmine’s tongue but she stayed herself. What if it was a ploy to get her sympathy thereby easing her nefarious mission?



So instead of offering her condolences, Jasmine cleared her throat. 



“If you left after you found out, how did you then get hold of the important evidence you mentioned earlier?”



Lilian sighed. She looked about ready to punch Jasmine. “I got the files at the same time I found out about my sister. Look we don’t have time for this. The longer we tarry, the more time Crimson Widow has to plan. Word on the street is: they are planning a huge protest against the government and something is likely to go down then.”



“Like?” Shedrack inquired wide-eyed.



Lilian rolled her eyes. Jasmine knew what she would say before she said it. “The killing of innocent civilians. I suspect this is a part of her plan to hinder Douglas’ reelection. Maybe he’s starting to call her bluff.”



“What do you mean by that?” Kay asked.



“She’s had Douglas doing her bidding from Day One. I have it all on file.”



Jasmine shook her head vehemently. “I don’t believe you. Douglas is a patriot.”



Lily chuckled derisively. “Why am I not surprised? You’ve not believed a word I said since we came in here.” She faced Kay. “I repeat, there’s no time for this. I would have done this on my own, but I did not want to compromise my position. I asked for you because I know you have a history with President Douglas. You can let him know that we have the information Crimson Widow is blackmailing him with and he need not bow to her anymore. Was I mistaken in thinking you could get this done?”



Kay shook his head. “Of course not, you were right to reach out. Do you have the files here?” 



“Lilian nodded. “Yes, and before you ask no this is not the only copy.”



She handed a flash drive to Dave who got to work on his computer immediately.   A few minutes later, he let out a whistle that had everyone crowding around him except Lilian. Jasmine’s eyes bulged at the information on the screen. It was all there. Everything that made The Cabal tick. Lists of Corrupt Government officials, blackmail lists, drug trade receipts, money laundering and human trafficking rings, etc. This evidence could lock The Cabal away forever.



“If Crimson Widow finds out we have this…”



“She’ll murder us all. You especially, Jasmine. She’ll make sure your death is slow and painful.”



“What did I ever do to make her hate me so?” Jasmine whispered.



Lilian shrugged. “All I know is she wants to exterminate your line.”


Suddenly, Dave looked up from his phone in alarm. “My friend just sent a message. He says he can’t get a hold of the pilot.”



“Is that usual?” Kay asked. Dace shook his head. 



“No. He says they had plans to fly somewhere together and he’s been trying to reach him to no avail. Also, his house is empty. He’ll be heading over to his hangar to check.”



“Wait!” Lily yelled. “Tell him not to go to the hangar.” She looked at Jasmine, her eyes wide with fear. “It’s Crimson Widow. She knows you’re back.”



3.2 The Hunt


“Please, please. Let me go. I’ve told you all I know.” 



The groans of the man in the chair annoyed Crimson Widow. It had taken twenty-fours to find him, and twenty-four hours later he still would not break. To be honest, she was a bit impressed, as she hadn’t expected him to last that long. At least not when she oversaw the ‘in.ter.rogation’ herself. 



“You haven’t told me exactly what I need to know.” She stepped closer to him, tracing the tip of her knife along the stubs of his fingers. “Who are they going to meet? Why are they here? From where did you fly them?”



 Just then, Mark burst into the room. He was all smiles. “We found the black box!” He held it above his head like a trophy.



Crimson Widow straightened. She had tasked the team to search the pilot’s hangar and Mark to personally oversee it.  


“Well done! Do we now know where they flew in from?”



“No, boss. I brought it here posthaste.”



“Get on it immediately!” 



As Mark hurried out of the room, she turned her attention back to the pilot. She tutted, shaking her head. “I guess your bravado was all for nothing. I have the information I need now. Do you stand by your claim that you know nothing?”



Out of nowhere, the pilot spat into her face. “You evil witch! You will NEVER win. Jasmine will outsmart you…”



The pilot never got to finish his sentence before Amanda slit his throat in one clean motion.



“Fool. Pity you won’t get to watch the downfall of your heroes.” She collected the napkin one of the guards held out to her. “Take care of this. And find me a new outfit.”





The words on the papers spread all over her table made little sense to Amanda. Her mind was on Mark and the black box. She was dying to know what secrets it contained. 



“Crimson Widow? Did you hear me, ma’am?”



Amanda turned to her lieutenant. “Yes, yes. So the protest will go on as planned?”



“Yes. We have also made sure that our people will be there to stir things up.”



“Good. Make sure there are multiple casualties. Douglas must feel the heat.” 



Since he had refused to grant her wishes, she would make the nation ungovernable for him. When she was through with him, he wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of the aftermath.



The lieutenant left to carry out her instructions and a few minutes later, Mark arrived.



“I hope you have news I want to hear.” She sat up straight in her seat.



Mark grinned. “The pilot ferried them from Cuba.”



 “We don’t have assets on the ground there do we?”



Mark shook his head.  Amanda banged her fist on the desk in frustration. This was one of the reasons why she lamented The Cabal’s stunted reach overseas. If their tentacles had been long enough it would‘ve been easy to send someone to take care of this.  Which was why she wanted more power to prevent hindrances like this.



“Here’s what we’ll do. Fly to Havana with your best men, then call in our debt with The Vipers–they must spare no resources to help with reconnaissance. Leave no stone unturned. Someone must have helped Jasmine and Kay. Fed them, sheltered them and helped them evade our radar for so long. Do what is necessary to fish their allies out, you understand me?”



Mark nodded and started to leave.



“You know how important this is to me, Mark. Don’t fail me.”



“I won’t.”



Pleased, Amanda sat back in her chair and smiled.

©Hafsah bint Nurein.


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