Kay paced up and down his study at home, listening in on the conversation between Kash and The Don.


The Don: “She was here last week when you travelled.


Kash: “Again? What did she want this time?”


Kay had a pretty good idea who the ‘She’ they were referring to



“A job for a friend of hers. I declined.”


“Good. But I know you must have parted with something. She’s not one to give up so easily.”


“Half a million, Kash. I parted with a cheque for half a million. I couldn’t risk employing him. Who knows maybe she brought him here to keep tabs on me.”


Kay smiled knowingly. If only you knew.


Kash: “Hmm, The Don, this girl is going to milk you dry. You’ve got to clip her wings…. and fast too.”


The Don: “You think I don’t know that?! I will think of something ok? Just don’t do anything stupid behind my back. So long as she has this hold on me, I will have to give in to her blackmail…”


There it was. Blackmail. Jasmine was sitting on some very important information about her uncle and she was extorting him in exchange for keeping quiet. It was obvious that the only thing keeping Jasmine safe from her uncle’s wrath was the fact that they were family. All Kay had to do now was find out what exactly the damaging information was.


His cell phone vibrated from inside the pocket of his jeans pants. Kay removed his headphones and placed the laptop, which he had been listening from, on the desk. He retrieved his phone and checked the I.D. of the caller. Unknown number. Must be his current employers.




Good day, Mr Kay. You asked for six weeks. We gave you six weeks. Now we want those results you promised you would have for us.”


“You shall get the results as promised.” Kay cleared his throat and continued: “After a thorough investigation, I found out that The Don has been embezzling huge sums of money and storing them in an offshore account. He also runs a drug…”


“…Cartel which his right-hand man, Kash is in charge of.” The man from the other end of the line completed his sentence. “It took you six weeks to dig out intel already have? I am beginning to reconsider our decision to hire you.”


Kay’s reputation as a competent Private Eye would be shot to bits if he lost this contract. An image of himself at his desk, dreary and bored, expecting a client to walk through the door, flashed before his eyes.


No, that would never again be me. He had to think fast and find something to tie down his employers.


“Wait! I am onto something else.” Kay decided to give them the information he uncovered minutes ago. It wasn’t much but it’d do.


“What? That his niece is blackmailing him? We are aware of that too.” The male voice on the other end of the line sounded bored and impatient.


I wonder why you hired me in the first place when you already know everything.


“Yes. But you wouldn’t have come to me if you knew the reason why.” Kay said.


That got the man’s attention.


“Alright. But this had better be good. I would hate it if you wasted my time.”


“I won’t. I am very close to unearthing the reason behind the blackmail and I can tell that it is something massive. Give me a few more weeks. I’ll have something concrete for you then”


There was a long pause at the other end of the line. Kay waited with bated breath. Finally, the man said: “Ok. You get three more weeks. Make them count because you won’t get another chance.”


He ended the call before Kay could express his gratitude.



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