The event came to a wrap soon after Jasmine’s speech. Kay and Amanda went to look for Jasmine as they hadn’t seen her after the speech. A short while later, an employee informed them that she was in her office, so they made their way there.


“Jasmine, it’s me, Amanda. Ben is with me.” Amanda said as she rapped at the door.


After a few seconds, Jasmine’s muffled voice came through the door: “Come in.”


Inside, Jasmine stood by the window, looking out at the lights from the city below.


“Jasmine, are you alright? We have been looking all over for you.” Amanda asked, her voice laced with worry.


Jasmine turned to them and it was obvious that she had been crying. “Oh, Amanda. I am trying to put it all behind me and I try to stay strong for my kids, but sometimes, it just gets so hard and I feel so overwhelmed…”


Amanda walked over to her and took her in her arms. “Shh, sweetheart, it’s alright. You will be fine,”


Kay watched them and made no move to interrupt. It was not his place. Besides he wasn’t sure how she would react. However, he was sure that if he found out who the scumbag that hurt Jasmine was, he would snuff the life out of them.


After a long spell of silence, Kay cleared his throat and pronounced:

“I am sorry, Jasmine for the hurt you have been through. I can’t take it away, but I can do something to help you now.”


Jasmine looked up and pulled out of Amanda’s embrace. She looked like she’d just realised he was standing there.


“Thank you, Ben. I am sorry, I broke down.” She sniffed and continued: “What kind of help are you talking about?”


“Allow me to take you home. You are in no state to drive.”


Amanda nodded. “I agree with him Jas. Go with him. You will feel a lot better when you get home. Just call when you get home, ok?”


Jasmine nodded and hugged her friend again. “Thanks, hun, you are the best friend in the world.”


As they left the office, Kay thought about what he was doing. Had he offered her help because it would advance the job at hand… or because of his growing feelings for Jasmine?



“Thank you for going out of your way, Ben. I really appreciate it.”

Jasmine said as Ben halted the car in front of her home.


‘It was my pleasure, Jasmine. I hope you will be alright. You seemed a bit shaken the other time.”


Jasmine gave a small, embarrassed laugh. “I will be fine. I don’t usually lose control like that.”


“It’s fine, Jasmine. You are only human.” He smiled.


She opened the passenger door and stepped out into the cool evening.


“Good night, Ben.” She waved at him.


“Good night Jasmine. Take care of yourself ok?”


“I will.”


Jasmine watched his car disappear around the bend. As she was about to step into her house, the familiar feeling of being watched settled over her and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand. She turned back just in time to see a man in shades, sitting in a car parked a few houses away, lowering his binoculars and moving further down in his car seat. She smiled and climbed the front steps into her house.


Jasmine wasn’t the least bit surprised. She had a very good idea who was keeping tabs on her.


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